"I live a creative life, and you can't be creative without being vulnerable. I believe that Creativity and Fear are basically conjoined twins; they share all the same major organs, and cannot be separated, one from the other, without killing them both. And you don't want to murder Creativity just to destroy Fear! You must accept that Creativity cannot walk even one step forward except by marching side-by-side with its attached sibling of Fear."
-Elizabeth Gilbert
Turn Fear Into Fuel. Tap Into Your Creative Soul.
Today's blog is EXACTLY what has been on my mind ever since my last post and this one is delivered by the words of famous novelist, Elizabeth Gilbert. The best selling author of "
Eat, Pray, Love", as well as "The Signature of All Things", and more.
Her elegant words have beautifully described what my UROCK mind thinks on the daily and this power paragraph was such a breathe of fresh air for me. Gilbert puts my thoughts perfectly on paper. From day one when I founded UROCK Marketing and moved my life and career to this incredible mini-city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire my goal, my mission, My Dream was to start an extremely unique business in a very creative way. Well, it's been a 2year+ grind, but now this Seacoast Community is starting to catch on, beginning to embrace it and it fuels me everyday to keep the dream alive! Even if I have to build my business one #UROCKparty at a time. I refuse to lose. Am I scared? Sure! Am I afraid people won't understand what I am trying to do? Absolutely! But here is an inside look at how this Chief Igniter operates, the thrill of the unknown, the power to control your own destiny, and people that tell me I can not, I should not, I won't --- only FIRES ME UP MORE! So I choose Elizabeth Gilbert to explain where I am coming from and hopefully it will help you in your life, in your journey. Maybe this is something that you had on your mind. If so, remember do not lose faith or belief in yourself. Embrace Fear. Let Go and Know! Come to the realization that this is all part of the journey and take a moment during our busy lives once in awhile to look at your reflection and say out loud, "UROCK!" #selfconfidence #creativity #fear #dream #UROCKparty #yourfuture
This picture was captured at the last dream board party at Ambrosia Gardens, as I walked by one dreamer he had these cutouts organically scattered on the table and that light bulb sitting on top of the UROCK logo of course caught my eye and (creative) soul.