When I have a chance to really sink my teeth into my work over at URock Marketing, L.L.C. I really LOVE WHAT I DO! From planning Community Parties to Inspiring a room full of leaders and teachers. I need to share this, I am so excited to share this, hopefully it will inspire you!
Recently I have been battling with the self-questions; "Am I doing the right thing? Is UROCK doing what it is suppose to? Should I give up?" Serious. The UROCK-guy, Mr. Overly-Optmistic was asking the universe those exact questions, in the hopes to receiving, if not the whole answer, a few hints. Well here is this for a reply I received: Yesterday I booked UROCK's first college Dream Board Party for their entire freshman class and minutes ago I just booked & confirmed a UROCK Dream Board Workshop at Winnacunnet High School for all their teachers and peer leaders. I feel blessed to do what UROCK does and to love what I do! You should too! DREAM BIG, it's the best! Lastly, do not give up, you could be moments away from the next big thing!
On Wednesday, August 20th UROCK will join forces with The Warriors of Winnacunnet (17 Teachers, 34 peer leaders) and lead them in a UROCK Dream Board Workshop! "Inspiring Others To Inspire Others" ...A Dream Come True!