When I have a chance to really sink my teeth into my work over at URock Marketing, L.L.C. I really LOVE WHAT I DO! From planning Community Parties to Inspiring a room full of leaders and teachers. I need to share this, I am so excited to share this, hopefully it will inspire you!
Recently I have been battling with the self-questions; "Am I doing the right thing? Is UROCK doing what it is suppose to? Should I give up?" Serious. The UROCK-guy, Mr. Overly-Optmistic was asking the universe those exact questions, in the hopes to receiving, if not the whole answer, a few hints. Well here is this for a reply I received: Yesterday I booked UROCK's first college Dream Board Party for their entire freshman class and minutes ago I just booked & confirmed a UROCK Dream Board Workshop at Winnacunnet High School for all their teachers and peer leaders. I feel blessed to do what UROCK does and to love what I do! You should too! DREAM BIG, it's the best! Lastly, do not give up, you could be moments away from the next big thing!