The next 48 hours are big! UROCK has to be uber productive, I can't sleep, I woke up at 5am today with no alarm, just eyes opened and boom! I jumped out of bed, brushed the teeth, ran downstairs and fired up the laptop! Before another second goes by I have to give a shout out to all of the Partnerships making UROCK possible, I am so proud it!
Tomorrow, Friday, November 7th will mark the LARGEST pre-registered attendance UROCK EXPERIENCE to date! Thanks to John and Susan Battye of The Portsmouth PLANET RANGERS Organization I will be facilitating a 93-Person VISION BOARD PARTY! We will be inside a large church hall, First United Methodist Church on 129 Miller Avenue in Portsmouth. The great big church with a red door that has the best Pumpkin Patch in town! You may recall this urock instagram photo from a couple weeks ago. Friday night we will host about 20+Families all in one room, NINETY-THREE people all DREAMING TOGETHER, do you know what the energy is going to be like? Absolutely beautiful and powerful.
As a solo-boot-strapping-enthusiastic-entrepreneur it can be an uphill challenge at times....but even though UROCK is a company of one (for now, someday I will have 29 RockStar Teammates all working collectively side-by-side, it WILL BE the happiest, healthiest, work-place environment you have ever stepped inside)... but yes as of today and the past three years I have been rockin' it by myself. Although with the out-pouring of support from community members, partnerships I have built in Portsmouth and beyond, and for my amazing, wonderful, and caring Friends and Family cheering me on, I never feel like I am alone on this UROCK Journey.
So a big THANK YOU to you all. If you reading this blog then you're not only on that list but you are in my heart.
Check out the latest post over at URock Marketing, L.L.C. Facebook page and while you're at it check out UROCK's newly styled 'PARTNERS PAGE' -- super proud of it! ; )
I will leave you all with today's daily quote, great way to start your day, a little dose of positivity, I do it every morning! Let's GET WITH IT!