¨All or nothing.¨ The first words my mouth uttered this morning when I woke up at 4:30am! Truth. I can’t sleep I am too excited! Not to worry friends, I went back to bed, my body woke up again at 5:30, 6:30, finally at 7:30am I started my UROCK workday. I quickly stretched, read Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s quote of the day, jumped up, splashed some cold-crisp water on the face, brushed my teeth with enthusiasm, ran downstairs fired up the tea kettle and the creativity started to boil.
I am currently in the midst of a very interesting moment during my entrepreneurial journey. I have a strong feeling that I am sitting on the brink of something very exciting. To learn more check out my very first Kickstarter Experience. But this not why I am writing this blog, I write because I want to educate, inspire, and share my definition of ALL OR NOTHING, it’s much deeper than you may think.
First, for the unemotional definition: For anyone that is unaware of the intricacies of Kickstarter, an important fact to know. If you ever launch one yourself, it is an ALL or Nothing fundraising campaign. Meaning; you set a goal for $5K and you graciously raise $4,999...zero funds go through, backers are not charged their pledge and your project is not funded.
My present mindset: Although I am an uber positive, optimistic entrepreneur, and I have no clue what my results will be in the next 5 days: Will I hit my mark of $6,200? Will I come close? Regardless of whatever takes place, heck I feel like I already won! The process alone is incredible education for me. From the support to self-perseverance to this entire learning experience. This is something I have never felt in my marketing/business career. For me personally, embracing my own Kickstarter Campaign, plus learning about others and backing others. My mindset as always been if I ask of something to others, I must first do what I ask, correct? Check out these rockstars: Sing For Hope Pianos and CamCarry
I practice what I preach. I have donated towards these two amazing projects. The networking has been refreshing and all rewarding for me. Yes, I could probably use a couple more hours of sleep but I guess you have to take it all in. Already this KS-journey has opened doors for me, not so much financially but more importantly---emotionally. I have BIG DREAMS, a GRAND VISION and Kickstarter has been a terrific platform to promote more positive creativity around our globe. Let’s all do our part to make our world a better place.
My Dream; gathering communities to build their own vision board and have their dreams become reality. Will I raise all the funds that I have to bring this project to life? Not sure, but here is how I define it:
I am giving nothing but my ALL to spread a positive message and doing what I love. I love pursuing my passion and I will not give up. Was I scared to throw myself out there and launch this Kickstarter? Shit yeah! Still am, but I if you are on the brink of something exciting, then my advice is to; GIVE IT YOUR ALL and FEAR NOTHING!
happy dreaming people,
'Be Happy, It Sticks!' Photo captured by Heidi Haseltine Photography. {Other UROCK Dream Catchers helping to build UROCK's Brand: Dan Freund (@MyFriendDan) and Raya Al-Hashmi of RSA Photography.